This package allows you to load-balance a home or small business Internet connection across two or more ISPs. You may use it with a single host attached to two ISPs, or on a router/firewall machine to load balance your entire LAN. Network traffic is balanced across both ISP connections to increase upload and download capacity, and if one ISP fails, the other ISP(s) will take over automatically.
Bandwidth is distributed on a per-connection level. This means that you will not see the aggregated bandwidth on any particular download or speed benchmark, but you will see the benefits when multiple data transfers are occurring simultaneously, for example, when several individuals in your household are streaming movies. In addition, multi-connection file transfer protocols such as BitTorrent, will see the benefits of the load balancing.
Alternatively, as of version 1.22, Net-ISP-Balance can run in failover-only mode, in which case there is only one active ISP connection at a time, but the system will sense when the active ISP is down and will failover to a backup. No load balancing is performed in this mode.
This package runs on Linux systems, and will not work on Windows or Mac OSX systems. It was designed to interoperate smoothly with distributions based on Debian (e.g. Ubuntu, Mint), as well as those based on RedHat (e.g. CentOS). Other distributions may or may not work out of the box. Please feel free to contribute support for other distributions.
The current version is 1.31, released 20 March 2021. This version improves the reliability of link status checking.
In preparation for installing this package, you should ensure that your network is properly configured to allow for routing from your internal LAN through the router and to the Internet. To aid you in the preparatory steps, we'll consider the following typical home router setup:

The router/firewall is connected to the home LAN via network interface eth1. It is connected to the internet via two ISPs, one using a cable modem attached to interface eth0, and the other using a DSL modem via interface ppp0. We will assume that the IP addresses for eth0 and ppp0 are assigned dynamically by the ISP, and that you have given eth1 (the LAN interface) the IP address There is at least one (and probably several) hosts on the LAN, each of which communicate through the router to reach the Internet. The router is where you will be installing and configuring Net-ISP-Balance.
Before you install Net-ISP-Balance, you need to confirm four things:
- That the hosts on your LAN can communicate with the router.
- That the router can communicate with the internet via the modem attached to ppp0 (the ISP1 connection).
- That the router can communicate with the internet via the modem attached to eth0 (the ISP2 connection).
- That the router is capable of forwarding packets from the LAN through ISP1 and ISP2 using NAT.
Test 1: LAN connectivity. First you'll test basic connectivity between router. Log into the router, and confirm that you can ping one or more of the LAN host machines. Log into the router, and run the following ping command, assuming the LAN host you are testing to has IP address
# ping -I eth1 PING ( from eth1: 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=1.25 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=48 time=1.82 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=48 time=1.83 ms ...
Replace "" with the IP address of a suitable host. If you are unsure of the address, log into the host and use the operating system's net configuration system ("ifconfig" on Linux/Mac OSX, the "Network and sharing" control panel in Windows), and replace "eth1" with the appropriate network interface name for the LAN connection. If this does not work, then do not try to install the load balancer until the problem has been fixed.
Test 2: ISP1 connectivity. With just ISP1 connected (via ppp0 in the example) and the other ISP physically disconnected, confirm that you can ping the internet. Run the following command:
# ping -I ppp0 PING ( from ppp0: 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=24.4 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=23.2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 time=26.3 ms ...
The test address '' is the Google public name server and is generally a good choice as an internet ping test destination, but you can use the IP address of any internet-accessible server machine. If necessary, change 'ppp0' to the interface that is connected to ISP1.
Test 3: ISP2 connectivity. Physically disconnect ISP1 from the router and connect ISP2. Repeat the ping test against using the network interface that connects to ISP2.Do not proceed to the next test until you've confirmed both ISP1 and ISP2 connectivity.
Test 4: Routing. With just one of the ISPs physically connected, reconfirm that you have ping connectivity between the router and the LAN and between the router and the internet. Then run the following commands on the router as the superuser:
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward # iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT # iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE
The first command activates packet forwarding on the router. The second tells the built-in firewall to allow packets to be forwarded from one interface to the next. The final command configures the firewall to activate NAT (network address translation) for all packets going out on interface ppp0. Important: 'ppp0' should be replaced by the interface that connects to the currently attached ISP.
On Arch Linux, you will also need to add the line
IPForward=kernelto the systemd-networkd interface configuration file. See this page for additional information.
Now log into one of the LAN hosts and run the following command:
# ping PING ( from 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=24.4 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=23.2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 time=26.3 ms ...
If the hosts on your LAN do not have ready access to the 'ping' command, then just open up a web browser and confirm internet reachability. If all goes well, you will be able to reach the internet from your LAN-connected host machines.
You should repeat this test on the other ISP, but physically disconnecting the first ISP's modem and connecting the other.
If all tests pass, then you are ready to install and configure Net-ISP-Balance.
Here is a step-by-step summary of the steps to install, configure and test Net-ISP-Balance.
1. Download and unpack the distribution
Working on the target machine (router or Internet-connected host), download and unpack the zip file of the source code from
% wget % unzip % cd Net-ISP-Balance
This will create the directory Net-ISP-Balance.
Alternatively, you may use git to clone the repository onto your local machine, and optionally check out a stable release. For example:
% git clone % cd Net-ISP-Balance % git checkout release-1_04 # (optional!)
2. Check and install prerequisites
The following software packages are required for Net-ISP-Balance to run:- C compiler and "make" tool. ("apt-get install build-essential" on Debian/Ubuntu systems will do this for you.)
- Perl version 5.8 or higher.
% perl ./Build.PL % ./Build installdeps % ./Build test % sudo ./Build install
3. Modify the balance.conf configuration file
Edit the example configuration file balance.conf to match your network topology. If you are on a Ubuntu/Debian system, this file will be located at /etc/network/balance.conf. If you are on a RedHat/CentOS system, you'll find it in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/balance.conf.You'll need to edit this file to match your network topology. Referring back to our example home router setup:

The router/firewall is connected to the home network via network interface eth1. It is connected to the internet via two ISPs, one using a cable modem attached to interface eth0, and the other using a DSL modem via interface ppp0.
The example balance.conf file contains a commented table that corresponds to this network topology:
##service device role ping-ip weight gateway #CABLE eth0 isp 1 default #DSL ppp0 isp 1 default #LAN eth1 lan mode=balanced #mode=failover
Remove the # signs from the body of the table and edit to match your network.
The first column is a service name that is used to bring up or down the needed routes and firewall rules.
The second column is the name of the network interface device that connects to that service.
The third column is either "isp" or "lan". There may be any number of these. The script will firewall traffic passing through any of the ISPs, and will load balance traffic among them. Traffic can flow freely among any of the interfaces marked as belonging to a LAN.
The fourth column is the IP address of a host that can be periodically pinged to test the integrity of each ISP connection. If too many pings failed, the service will be brought down and all traffic routed through the remaining ISP(s). The service will continue to be monitored and will be brought up when it is once again working. Choose a host that is not likely to go offline for reasons unrelated to your network connectivity, such as, or the ISP's web site. If this column is absent, then the host will default to, which is probably not what you want!
The fifth column (optional) is a weight to assign to the service, and is only valid for ISP rows. In the default "balanced" mode of operation, if weights are equal, traffic will be apportioned evenly between the two routes. Increase a weight to favor one ISP over the others. For example, if "CABLE" has a weight of 2 and "DSL" has a weight of 1, then twice as much traffic will flow through the CABLE service. If this column is omitted, then equal weights are assumed. The meaning of the weight column changes when running in "failover" mode. See below for more information
The sixth column (optional) is the IP address for the gateway host for this service. If absent or named "default", the system will attempt to guess the proper gateway automatically. Note the guessing algorithm relies on the fact that the gateway is usually the first address in the IP range for the network attached to this interface. If this is not the case, then routing through the interface won't work properly. Enter the correct gateway IP address in this field to correct this.
Uncomment one or the other of the "mode" options to select either "balanced" or "failover" mode. In the "balanced" mode (the default), traffic will be routed in a balanced way across all "isp" services proportional to their weights. In the "failover" mode, the service with the highest weight is used exclusively for all traffic. If this service loses connectivity, then the second highest weighted service will be used and so forth. When the preferred service becomes available again, traffic will again be routed through it.
If this package is running on a single Internet-connected host, not a router, then do not include a "lan" line.
There are additional configuration options related to fine control of packet forwarding as well as link status monitoring. You may wish to uncomment and adjust these as well:
#mode=balanced #mode=failover #forwarding_group=:lan :isp #warn_email=root@localhost #interval_ms=1000 #max_packet_loss=15 #max_successive_pkts_lost=7 #min_packet_loss=5 #min_successive_pkts_rcvd=10 #long_down_time=120
- mode
- The mode option allows you to select among the two operating modes, one of "balanced" (the default) or "failover". In the latter case, all ISP interfaces will be pinged periodically, but only the one that is up and running and which has the highest weight will be selected for network traffic. If the preferred ISP becomes inaccessible, then the ISP interface with the next highest weight will be used until such time as the preferred one becomes available again.
- forwarding_group
The forwarding_group configuration option defines a set of services that the router is allowed to forward packets among. Provide a space-delimited set of service names or one or more of the abbreviations ":isp" and ":lan". ":isp" is an abbreviation for all ISP services, while ":lan" is an abbreviation for all LAN services. So for example, the two configuration lines below will allow forwarding of packets between LAN1, LAN2, LAN3 and both ISPs. LAN4 will be granted access to both ISPs but won't be able to exchange packets with LANs 1 through 3:
forwarding_group=LAN1 LAN2 LAN3 :isp forwarding_group=LAN4 :isp
If no forwarding_group options are defined, then the router will forward packets among all LANs and ISP interfaces. It is equivalent to this:forwarding_group=:lan :isp
- warn_email
- Provides an email address to send notification messages to if the status of a link changes (goes down, or comes back up). You must have the "mail" program installed and configured for this to work.
- interval_ms
- Indicates how often to check the ping host for each ISP.
- min_packet_loss
- max_packet_loss
- These define the minimum and maximum packet losses required to declare a link up or down.
- min_successive_pkts_rcvd
- max_successive_pkts_recvd
- These define the minimum and maximum numbers of successively-transmitted pings that must be returned in order to declare a link up or down.
- long_down_time
- This is a value in seconds after a service that has gone down is considered to have been down for a long time. You may optionally run a series of shell scripts when this has occurred (see below).
4. Make edits to the firewall and route rules (optional)
Net-ISP-Balance allows you to add customized entries to the routing and firewall tables. See Further Configuration for more details.
5. Test in debug mode (optional)
If you wish to check how the balancing script will configure your system when you execute it, then run (as a regular user) the following command:
% sudo -d > # Ubuntu/Debian % su -c -d > # RedHat/CentOS
The "-d" argument puts the script into debug mode. All commands that it would run on your behalf are placed into '' for your inspection. If you wish, you may pass these commands to the shell in order to preview how your system will perform under load balancing. An example of how to do this is shown below. Note that this doesn't start the link status monitoring daemon needed for automatic failover.
% /bin/sh
6. Start
Become the superuser and run
sudo # Ubuntu/Debian su -c # RedHat/CentOS
This will configure the system for load balancing, installing a restrictive set of firewall rules, and launch the load status monitor (lsm) daemon to monitor each of the ISPs for activity.
7. Arrange for to be run on system startup time.
You may do this by adding an entry in rc.local:
if [ -x /etc/network/ ]; then /etc/network/ fi
Modify as needed for RedHat/CentOS.
Alternatively, my preference is to invoke the script when the LAN interface comes up. On Ubuntu/Debian systems, edit /etc/network/interfaces (Ubuntu/Debian), find the reference to the LAN interface, and edit it to add a "post-up" option as shown here:
auto eth2 iface eth2 inet static post-up /etc/network/ ...
On RedHat/CentOS systems, create an executable script named /sbin/ifup-local, and populate it with the following code:
#!/bin/sh LANDEV=eth2; if [ "$1" eq "$LANDEV" ] ; then /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ fi
Be sure to change "eth2" to the correct device for the LAN interface.
Further Configuration
The default is to establish a reasonably restrictive firewall which allows incoming ssh services to the router from the Internet and rejects all other incoming services. You may modify this if you wish by adding additional firewall rules and routes.
The routes and rules are located in these subdirectories on Ubuntu/Debian systems:
/etc/network/balance/firewall # firewall rules /etc/network/balance/routes # routes
and in these directories on RedHat/CentOS systems:
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/balance/firewall # firewall rules /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/balance/routes # routes
Any files you put into these directories will be read in alphabetic order and added to the routes and/or firewall rules emitted by the load balancing script.
A typical routing rules file will look like the example shown below.
# filename: /net/network/balance/routes/01.local_routes.conf ip route add dev eth0 src ip route add dev eth2 src
Each line will be sent to the shell, and it is intended (but not required) that these be calls to the "ip" command. General shell scripting constructs are not allowed here.
A typical firewall rules file will look like the example shown here:
# filename: /net/network/balance/firewall/02.accept.conf # accept incoming telnet connections to the router iptable -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport telnet -j ACCEPT # masquerade connections to the DSL modem's control interface iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth2 -j MASQUERADE
You may also insert routing and firewall rules via fragments of Perl code, which is convenient because you can get the configured service and interface names from the configuration file and can make use of a variety of shortcuts. To do this, simply end the file's name with .pl and make it executable.
Here's an example of a file named balance/firewall/ that defines a series of port forwarding rules for incoming connections:
$B->forward(80 => ''); # forward port 80 to internal web server $B->forward(443=> ''); # forward port 443 to $B->forward(23 => ''); # forward port 23 to ssh on web sever
The main thing to know is that on entry to the script the global variable $B will contain an initialized instance of a Net::ISP::Balance object. You may then make method calls on this object to emit firewall and routing rules. Please read the manual page for Net::ISP::Balance for further information ("man Net::ISP::Balance" after the package is installed).
Calling the Script by Hand
You can invoke from the command line to manually bring up and down ISP services. The format is simple:
/etc/network/ ISP1 ISP2 ISP3 ... # Ubuntu/Debian /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ ISP1 ISP2 ISP3 ... # RedHat/CentOS
ISP1, etc are service names defined in the configuration file. All ISPs indicated on the command line will be maked as "up", others will not be used for load balancing. If no services are indicated on the command line, then ALL the ISP services will be marked up initially and lsm will be launched to monitor their connectivity periodically.
Adding a -d option will print the routing and firewall commands to standard output for inspection.
How it Works
The script uses two load balancing techniques. The first is to set up a multipath default routing destination as described at
ip route add default \ nexthop via dev ppp0 weight 1 \ nexthop via dev eth0 weight 1
This balances network sessions originating from the router, but does usually not work for forwarded (NAT-ed) sessions from the LAN. To accomplish the latter, the script uses a combination of ip routing tables for outgoing connections, the firewall mark (fwmark) mechanism to select tables, and the iptables "mangle" chain to randomly select which ISP to use for outgoing connections:
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth2 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW \ -m statistic --mode random --probability 1 -j MARK-ISP1 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth2 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW \ -m statistic --mode random --probability 0.5 -j MARK-ISP2
This strategy is described at The module always gives each ISP equal weight; a future version may support the ability to weight traffic towards one ISP or another.
How Do I...?
- ...Load balance when I only have a single ethernet port on my router?
- For simplicity of configuration I recommend that you use one
physical (real) network interface for each of the three components
of the network (the two ISP modems and the LAN); USB-based ethernet
interfaces are quite inexpensive these days. However, it is also
possible to set up balancing in which all components of the network
share the same physical wiring by using virtual network interfaces
on the router (see
getting started guide). Create virtual network interfaces for
each of ISP1, ISP2 and the LAN and give each one a distinct IP
address and subnetwork.
Here's a simple example using /etc/network/interfaces:
# the LAN auto eth0:0 iface eth0:0 inet static address # ISP1 auto eth0:1 iface eth0:1 inet static address # ISP2 auto eth0:2 iface eth0:2 inet static address
You will of course also have to configure the modems and the machines on the LAN with the correct addresses and netmasks for the chosen subnets. Now use a balance.conf configuration similar to this one:
##service device role ping-ip weight LAN eth0:0 lan CABLE eth0:1 isp 1 DSL eth0:2 isp 1
Net-ISP-Balance version 1.14 is required for this tactic to work. Previous versions contained a bug that prevented virtual network interfaces from being recognized.
Net-ISP-Balance also works with VLANs. Simply use the appropriate VLAN device numbers (e.g. eth0.10)
- ...Allow an incoming connection to a web server running on my router/firewall machine?
- Create a file
named /etc/network/balance/firewall/04.webserver.conf. Set
the contents to:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 80 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
Connections will be accepted on any of public IP addresses that is assigned to your router machine by your ISPs. You will likely want to publish a domain name for this machine using a dynamic DNS hosting service that allows you to run a "round-robin" on the domain name. See Robin-robin DNS for information on the technique, and perform a Google search for "Round-robin dynamic DNS" for a list of paid DNS hosting services that implement this service.
You must run once after making this edit in order to have the changes take effect.
Be aware that the location of the firewall rules directory different on RedHat and Debian-derived systems. See Further Configuration for the path on your system.
- ...Allow an incoming connection to a web server running on my router/firewall machine, but prevent flooding attacks by limiting incoming connections to 5 per second?
- Change the contents of /etc/network/balance/firewall/04.webserver.conf
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 80 -m limit --limit 5/s --limit-burst 20 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 80 -j DROPFLOOD iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 443 -m limit --limit 5/s --limit-burst 20 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 443 -j DROPFLOOD
DROPFLOOD is a firewall rule defined by Net-ISP-Balance that drops the connection and logs it to the system log.
- ...Allow an incoming connection to a web server running on another machine in my LAN?
- This is a firewall forwarding rule that has a Perl shortcut
to help implement it. Assuming that the web server running on your
LAN is at address, create the
file /etc/balance/firewall/,
make it executable, and write these contents:
$B->forward(80 => ''); $B->forward(443 => '');
The $B is a Perl variable that holds the Net::ISP::Balance code object. "forward" is the name of a subroutine call.
- ...Forward connections to port 80 on one of my router's public IP addresses to port 8080 on a web server machine running on another machine in my LAN?
- This is similar to the previous recipe, except that you
indicate the destination IP address on the internal machine:
$B->forward(80 => '');
- ...Reconfigure load_balance for interface(s) whose IP addresses change periodically.
- This can be an issue with network interfaces whose IP addresses
are set by DHCP, as well as with PPP connections that reset
periodically. When the IP address changes, load_balance will detect
that the interface can no longer be used for outbound pings, but
will not reset the firewall rules to accomodate the new IP
address. This can be fixed with the addition of simple scripts that
invoke when the interface changes:
For DHCP interfaces, put the following script into /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d:
#!/bin/sh case $reason in BOUND|RENEW|REBIND|REBOOT|EXPIRE|FAIL|RELEASE|STOP) /etc/network/ ;; esac
For PPP and PPPOE interfaces, put the following executable script into /etc/ppp/ip-up.d:
#!/bin/sh /etc/network/
- ...Allow machines on the LAN to access the control interface of a cable and/or DSL modem attached to the router?
- Cable and DSL modems usually provide a web-based control interface associated with the modem's IP address. Sometimes the routing rules that Net-ISP-Balance installs do not provide access to the modem, and attempting to connect to it will fail. There are two alternative techniques to correct this, depending on the type of modem you are using.
Modems in "bridge" mode:
This works when the modem's control interface is separate from its data interface. This is the case for a DSL modem that runs PPPOE in bridge mode. Its primary data interface is ppp0 and its control interface is an ethernet interface such as eth2. Create the file /etc/network/balance/routes/ containing the following:
Replace "" with the modem's IP address and "eth2" with the network interface that the modem is attached to. The "1" argument causes connections to the modem to be masqueraded, which is handy in the case that the modem doesn't correctly route its responses back to your LAN. Make the file executable, and run
Modems in "router" mode:
In other cases, the modem performs routing on its own and shares the same interface as an ISP connection. In this case, you have to tell the router to make sure that connections intended for the modem always go out through this interface. Open /etc/network/balance/routes/ and enter the following:
$B->force_route('CABLE','-p tcp --syn -d');
Replace "" with the modem's management IP address, and "CABLE" with the ISP service name that the modem is attached to.
- ...Force outgoing mail connections to go to a particular ISP?
- You may wish for all your outgoing email to be routed through a
mail transfer host provided by one of your ISPs. However, many ISPs
only accept mail from IP addresses within the blocks that they
assign. To force all outgoing mail to go to the "CABLE" ISP, create
an executable file named in $ETC_NETWORK/balance/firewall/
with contents similar to this one:
$B->force_route('CABLE','-p tcp --syn --dport 25');
- ...Run an OpenVPN server on my router?
- VPNs and other applications that manipulate the routing table
must be run after does its thing. Put a command that
restarts OpenVPN into $ETC_NETWORK/balance/post-run/99.openvpn:
/etc/init.d/openvpn restart
Adjust as needed for your distribution. In addition you will need to define firewall rules that allow OpenVPN to route between the VPN tunneling interface (typically tun0) and your LAN. Create the file $ETC_NETWORK/balance/firewall/, containing these lines of code:$B->iptables("-I INPUT -p $_ --dport 1194 -j ACCEPT") foreach ('udp','tcp'); $B->iptables("-I INPUT -i tun0 -j ACCEPT'); $B->iptables("-I OUTPUT -o tun0 -j ACCEPT'); foreach ($B->lan_services) { $B->iptables('-I FORWARD -i tun0 -o',$B->dev($_),'-j ACCEPT'); $B->iptables('-I FORWARD -o tun0 -i',$B->dev($_),'-j ACCEPT'); }
- ...Run custom commands when an ISP goes up or down?
- You will find a series of directories in
$ETC_NETWORK/balance/lsm named "up.d", "down.d" and "long_down.d".
These correspond to ISP state events; any executable scripts found
in these directories will be executed when the ISP's state
changes. The contents of the "up.d" directory are executed when an
ISP goes up, "down.d" will be executed when an ISP goes down, and
"long_down.d" will be executed when an ISP remains down for a long
time. The long time is determined by the contents of the
"long_down_time" option in the balance.conf configuration file.
The default is 120 seconds (2 minutes).
Each script will be called with a series of 16 arguments describing the event:
- the current state
- the service name
- the ping IP
- the network device
- the email to be notified
- number of replies to the last set of pings
- number of waiting pings
- number of timed out pings
- number of late pings
- consecutive packets which received replies
- consecutive packets waiting for a reply
- consecutive packets that timed out
- average round-trip time
- IP of the device
- the previous state
- a timestamp
- ...Load balance across two OpenVPN tunnels?
This recipe is designed for the case in which you have two or more
interfaces on the machine that is serving as a router, you wish to
run a OpenVPN tunnel across each of the interfaces, and you wish
the router machine and all the hosts on the LAN to load balance
across the two (or more) tunnels. The instructions and the example
setup script are Ubuntu/Mint/Debian specific. Some work will be
required for other distributions.
First, create a different OpenVPN client configuration file
for each of the ISP interfaces. It is important to understand
that each interface requires a distinct tunnel. One
tunnel might work, but it will choose one of the ISP
interfaces at random and will not load balance across
them. You are free to use the same OpenVPN provider multiple
times (if your provider allows it), or to use two or more
different providers. Choose sensible names for the two OpenVPN
configuration file. In this recipe, I am going to call them
"vpn1" and "vpn2". Now, before going any further please confirm
that with just one ISP interface up and running, you can start
and stop the OpenVPN clients using the "service" commands
service openvpn start vpn1
andservice openvpn start vpn2
. Make sure that the VPNs are not set to autostart at boot time. -
Second, find the script named that
is located in
directory of the Net-ISP-Balance distribution. Make a copy of it and open it up with a text editor. Toward the top, you will find a little embedded configuration table that looks like this:# service physical_interface tunnel_interface vpn1 eth0 tun0 vpn2 eth1 tun1
Without changing the line above or below, edit the columns to match how your system is configured. Change "vpn1" and "vpn2" to the names of the OpenVPN configuration files you created for the two services, and alter the physical interface names ("eth0", "eth1") to match the interfaces that your router uses to connect to your ISPs. The names of the tunnels ("tun0", "tun1") probably do not need to change. You may also add additional VPNs and interfaces by adding additional rows using the same format. -
Third, copy the edited script
. You can change the script's name if you wish. -
Last step! Edit
to tell the load balancer to balance across the VPN interfaces (tun0, tun1...) rather than across the physical interfaces. It should look something like this:#service device role ping-ip weight VPN1 tun0 isp 1 VPN2 tun1 isp 1 LAN eth1 lan
It doesn't actually matter what you name the VPN services, but it will be less confusing if you use the same names as used by OpenVPN configuration files.
as root. The pre-run script will do the last needed bit of adjustment of the OpenVPN configuration files (matching the local address of the interface that the client binds to the one indicated in the pre-run script), setting up the routing tables appropriately, and launching the VPNs. The load_balance script will take care of the rest.Caveat emptor: The pre-run script is a slightly complicated piece of code that makes various assumptions about your system. It has not been tested exhaustively and may break. Please test extensively before entrusting this to a production router.
First, create a different OpenVPN client configuration file
for each of the ISP interfaces. It is important to understand
that each interface requires a distinct tunnel. One
tunnel might work, but it will choose one of the ISP
interfaces at random and will not load balance across
them. You are free to use the same OpenVPN provider multiple
times (if your provider allows it), or to use two or more
different providers. Choose sensible names for the two OpenVPN
configuration file. In this recipe, I am going to call them
"vpn1" and "vpn2". Now, before going any further please confirm
that with just one ISP interface up and running, you can start
and stop the OpenVPN clients using the "service" commands
- ...Load balance across IPv6 interfaces>
- Net-ISP-Balance does not currently support IPv6, but the underlying link status monitor (lsm) application does. As of March 2021, the requirements for adding IPv6 balancing are under investigation.
Perl Artistic License version 2.0 (
This package contains a slightly-modified version of Mika Ilmaranta's <ilmis at> Link Status Monitor (lsm) package. The original source code can be fond at
Lincoln D. Stein (
Senior Principal Investigator, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research